Does Web Hosting Include Email? Yes And No – Here’s How It Works

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If you are planning to start a website, then you have to get web hosting. But…

Does web hosting include email? Yes, some Web Hosting companies do include email, but some don’t. Usually, the lower-end Web Hosting companies will include email because they want to attract customers, while many higher-end Web Hosting companies do not include email. This is because most of the people opting for higher-end web hosting usually prefer to host their emails separately from their web hosting.

But having said that, let’s take a closer look at email hosting to understand if you should host your email with your Web Hosting company or not.

Recommended Further Reading:

What Does Email Hosting Mean?

Email hosting means hosting your emails on a server provided by either your Web Hosting company or on a server provided by a dedicated Email Hosting company.

When you buy a domain name, it is natural that you would want to get an email address that includes your domain name. For example, if you buy a domain name, then you might want to get an email address

To get this email address, you will need an Email Hosting company that will allow you to receive emails on this email address.

Okay, but…

What Is The Difference Between Web Hosting And Email Hosting?

Web Hosting means hosting your website on a server provided by a Web Hosting company. Web Hosting only relates to hosting your website with a Web Hosting company so that your website can be accessed over the internet by anyone in the world.

Email hosting, on the other hand, relates to hosting your email on a server provided by an Email Hosting company so that you can receive emails on an email address containing your domain name, like

Some Web Hosting companies provide email hosting along with web hosting. And I guess that is why some people think that web hosting and email hosting are the same.

But, Web Hosting and Email Hosting are two different things, don’t get confused by thinking both are the same.


Do You Need Web Hosting For Email?

No, you do not need Web Hosting for hosting your emails. You need an Email Hosting company to host your email, which can be either your Web Hosting company or some other dedicated Email Hosting company.

In other words, hosting your website and hosting your email are two completely different things.

You can host them together, or you can host them separately.

Yes, I did say separately!

Can You Host Your Website And Email Separately?

Yes, you can host your website and email separately.

It is not required that you host your website to receive emails, nor is it required that you host your email to make your website.

Your Website and Email can live independently of each other.

You need not combine the two.

You can have your website hosted with one company and your email hosted with another company.

And that is what I would recommend that you do.

By hosting your website and email separately, you will reduce the risk of losing your emails if you do decide to change your Web Hosting company someday as your website grows.

Changing web hosting companies is far common than you think. As your website grows, you will feel the need to upgrade your web hosting and so you might end up changing your Web Hosting company.


Can You Change Your Email Hosting Company?

Yes, you can change your Email Hosting Company. But, in general, it is not recommended that you keep changing your Email Hosting company because your new Email Hosting Company might not be able to transfer your emails from your old Email Hosting company.

That is why getting a good Email Hosting company early on can save you a lot a headache down the road.

By using dedicated email hosting providers you will get a robust email platform to host your email for years to come.

Okay, so…

How Much Does Email Hosting Cost?

How much you pay for Email Hosting depends on the company from where you get email hosting.

For example, if you get your email hosting from companies like Zoho, then you will get it for free while getting it from GSuite will cost you $5 to $10 a month.

Email Hosting is a lot cheaper than Web Hosting. So, there is no reason to save some bucks and get cheap email hosting for your business.

But, if you just want an email address for your personal website, then getting free email hosting is sufficient.


Where Should You Host Your Email?

Ideally, you should always host your email with a dedicated Email Hosting company, like G Suite, Outlook, Zoho, etc.

The only reason you might want to consider hosting your email with your Web Hosting company is if your website is for your personal use only.

If your website is for your business, then getting a dedicated Email Hosting company makes more sense.

But if you still want to host your email with your Web Hosting company, then here’s a list of Web Hosting companies that include email hosting…

List Of Good Web Hosting Companies That Provide Email Accounts

Here are 2 good Web Hosting companies that will provide you with Email Accounts along with web hosting.

  1. BigScoots (Use this Promotional Coupon Code 4NJY49N1ZIMQ to get 50% off on your first-month bill)
  2. Cloudways

There are hundreds of other Web Hosting companies that provide you with Email Accounts too. I have listed just 2 because I have found these Web Hosting companies to be far superior compared to any other Web Hosting companies out there.

These Web Hosting companies will scale as your website grows, and you might never have to shift your web hosting and email hosting to other companies.

To Wrap Up…

Web Hosting and Email Hosting are two different things, and ideally, you should host your email with a dedicated Email Hosting company.

This means you can host your website separately from your email. And it is recommended that you do this.

You can change your Email Hosting company later on but, since email hosting is cheaper than web hosting, it is better to keep email hosting separate from web hosting.

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