The only thing that really matters in choosing Beaver Builder vs Elementor is You.
Yes, YOU.
What do you want exactly? What are your needs?
Do you want to build a website for yourself or clients?
Are you good at coding or totally suck at it?
Do you like having all fancy stuff to be part of the only ONE thing that you buy? Or are you someone who prefers to buy a plain vanilla product so that you can mould it the way you want to?
Do you like to buy things that keep getting updated frequently which means you need to learn all those things too? Or do you prefer to buy things that remain the same and stable for long periods of time?
Why am I asking these questions?
That’s because these questions matter when you try to decide between Beaver Builder vs Elementor.
There is no Go Right or Go Left approach while choosing one of these WordPress page builder plugins.
Both, Beaver Builder and Elementor, are fantastic plugins and there is no right or wrong between them.
So the only thing that matters is YOU!
What do you want to do with these plugins?
Let me dig a little more into this with 5 specific questions and try to help you choose between Beaver Builder and Elementor.
Here are 5 questions to help you pick between Beaver Builder vs Elementor:
- Do You Want To Build A Website For Yourself Or Your Clients?
- Are You Good At Coding Or Totally Bad At It?
- Do You Like To Have All Fancy Stuff In One Plugin?
- How Comfortable Are You With A Rapidly Evolving Product?
- Do You Think About The Ecosystem Too?
But before we get to these questions…
Why The Heck Am I Not Comparing Beaver Builder and Elementor Features?
Because this is pretty much a useless activity.
If you are just interested in features, then go with Elementor.
Elementor has a lot of modules and page templates than Beaver Builder will ever have. It also has a lot of settings and features that Beaver Builder will never develop.
Yes, believe me, I have been using Beaver Builder for almost 3 years now and I can tell you right now that there is no way Beaver Builder team is going to build all features that Elementor has.
Is that a bad thing?
Absolutely no!
Both of these plugins seem to have entirely different philosophies to product development.
While Beaver Builder team seems to concentrate more on building a solid base plugin which can then be extended by 3rd-party developers like PowerPack and UABB, Elementor team seems to concentrate more on adding all the bells and whistles to Elementor itself so that there is not much left for 3rd-party developers to do.
Is that a good thing?
Heck, no!
I have been involved in enterprise grade software design for more than 15 years now and I can tell you upfront that adding more and more features to any software bulks it up over time and it starts to show as the technical debt increases.
To make a lean stable software, you need to build a strong foundation on which you can develop more features or 3rd-party developers can build their own solutions on top of your foundation.
Why do you think WordPress is built the way it is? Why does it have this fabulous Themes and Plugins architecture? So that other 3rd-party developers can build on top of WordPress, isn’t it?
Depending on the kind of person you are, I guess you have already made up your mind between Beaver Builder vs Elementor.
But Hold On! There’s more to it than just this.
Let’s talk about what you want by answering the below 5 questions.
Question 1: Do You Want To Build A Website For Yourself Or Your Clients?
If you are building a website for yourself then it comes down to what do you prefer to have? All features in one plugin or one plain vanilla plugin on top of which you can add whatever you want.
If you want all features in one plugin, then go with Elementor. At this point in time, you will not find a better page builder plugin than Elementor with all the features included in one plugin.
If you are good to have a vanilla plugin and add on to it, then go with Beaver Builder. It has PowerPack and UABB add-ons that take Beaver Builder to an entirely new level.
Can I not go with Elementor even if I prefer vanilla things?
Elementor is not vanilla, it is as simple as that.
The pace at which Elementor is getting developed right now is stupendous. Every release of Elementor just keeps adding more and more features.
Is Beaver Builder that vanilla?
When compared to Elementor, yes Beaver Builder is vanilla.
But that does not mean you cannot make a fully functional website with Beaver Builder. It is very much capable of creating a completely professional website on its own.
But still it cannot do everything that Elementor can do and that shows unless you use add-ons like UABB and PowerPack.
Now, if you are planning to build a website for your clients then again what do you prefer to have? A stable client website that doesn’t change frequently or a client website that gets updated with new features every now and then.
Is it that important to give your clients all new features very frequently?
I guess in a majority of the cases; the answer is no.
So in this case, I would opt for Beaver Builder right now.
Question 2: Are You Good At Coding Or Totally Bad At It?
Hey! Why does this question matter? Are we not talking about page builder plugins so that we can make a website without touching any code?
Well, yes and no.
Yes, we are talking about drag-and-drop page builders that should help in making a website without writing any code but that is not necessarily true in case of Beaver Builder.
There will be a lot of instances where you would need to write code if you are using Beaver Builder. For example, if you want to use Z-Index, Text Shadow, Margins and Padding in percentages instead of pixels, etc.
If you want a particular feature that would need you to code and coding is something that you do not want to do then just go with Elementor.
Elementor has many settings and features that help non-coders to build a website without having to write code.
Just keep in mind that you need to be very clear on the things that you want one of these page builders to do.
I have been using Beaver Builder for a good number of years now and never felt the need to code for anything that I wanted to do using Beaver Builder.
However, I know for certain that your case will be different from mine. You might want something I do not want and if that something can be achieved easily with Elementor, then just go for it.
There is no point in expecting Beaver Builder to add those features for you.
Question 3: Do You Like To Have All Fancy Stuff In One Plugin?
If yes, then you should choose Elementor. If no, then choose Beaver Builder.
As much as you would like to have all features in a single plugin, you will need to keep in mind that every new feature that gets added comes at a cost. And that cost might make the software bulky and buggy over time.
It hasn’t happened with Elementor yet, but the pace at which Elementor is adding features, I fear that over a period of time this will have a big impact on its stability.
I do not mean any disrespect to Elementor developers but it is difficult to keep bugs down and maintain backwards compatibility at the same time with a rapid development pace. But if they do manage to do it, then everyone who purchases Elementor is going to have the last laugh.
Beaver Builder on the other hand has absolutely no fancy stuff as such to boast of. It is a vanilla product when compared to Elementor and it seems it will stay that way for a long time.
The entire focus of Beaver Builder team seems to be on keeping the base Beaver Builder plugin stable and let the fancy features be added by add-ons like Beaver Themer, PowerPack and UABB.
So again it comes down to what you want?
Both teams, Beaver Builder and Elementor, seem to know exactly what they want to do with their respective plugins.
So it comes down to you. What do you want?
Question 4: How Comfortable Are You With A Rapidly Evolving Product?
This question is often overlooked. We all want new features to get added to every product that we buy.
But will you put all those new features to use? Are you ready to keep learning how to work with the newly added features very often?
If your answer to any of the above questions is yes, then go with Elementor. Else go with Beaver Builder.
In terms of new features getting added, Elementor keeps getting feature rich with each release and Beaver Builder has not added any new big feature as such for a long time.
Yes, I know, Beaver Builder has launched version 2.0, but it does not have too many new features added to it other than the major visual makeover of the user interface.
The entire focus of Beaver Builder has been to speed up the workflow of building a website while the focus of Elementor has been to add all possible features so that you can build whatever you want.
Both of these development philosophies are polar opposite to each other and neither one is right or wrong. So it really depends on you and what you want.
That is why the focus of this entire comparison of Beaver Builder vs Elementor is about You, your needs and your wants.
Take a moment to think about this and then choose between Beaver Builder and Elementor.
Question 5: Do You Think About The Ecosystem Too?
We all live in an ecosystem. Without the ecosystem in place, it is difficult to survive.
This is also true for everything related to WordPress. WordPress has managed to capture such a large market share as the platform of choice to build websites because of the ecosystem that has developed around it.
This is also true for both Beaver Builder and Elementor.
At this point in time, Beaver Builder has a good ecosystem around it with Beaver Theme, Beaver Themer, UABB and PowerPack all supporting the core Beaver Builder plugin well.
Elementor on the other hand has most of the features of Beaver Builder, Beaver Themer, UABB and PowerPack built right inside it. Additionally, you can also buy Ultimate Addons for Elementor and PowerPack Elements to make Elementor even more feature rich.
As for the Beaver Theme, I won’t give extra brownie points to Beaver Builder for this. Astra Theme does pretty much everything that Beaver Theme does and it does it better than Beaver Theme.
Also, the way in which the ecosystem around Beaver Builder has got built is not so ideal.
Beaver Builder team has left the work of adding extra features, modules, page templates etc. to 3rd-party developers. Some of these features are something that should have been included in Beaver Builder plugin itself, like Row Dividers, Gradients, Menus with more settings, etc.
This means more likely than not, you will end up purchasing UABB or PowerPack or both.
This quickly adds up cost when you try to buy add-ons like UABB and PowerPack to get the extra modules and layouts.
It not only adds cost, but it also means that you now have to deal with different development teams to get support in case something breaks.
Fortunately though, both UABB and PowerPack teams manage to co-ordinate well with Beaver Builder team. So this problem hasn’t been too much of an issue till now.
Elementor on the other hand has decided to keep adding all features, modules, page templates etc. in Elementor itself. So even if there are 3rd-party developers who would develop additional add-ons, you might not feel the need to use them.
This should definitely help to keep the cost down when using Elementor.
Now that we are talking about cost, let’s take a look at the pricing of these two plugins.
Let’s Talk About Pricing
As much as I would love to keep pricing out of this Beaver Builder vs Elementor comparison, I cannot.
This is another place where both these plugins have adopted entirely different strategies.
Beaver Builder has put out a very limiting free version of Beaver Builder plugin. This free version only has a limited set of modules and features.
In contrast to this, Elementor has put out a highly featured free version of Elementor which you can use to build almost any website that you want. It is by far the best free WordPress page builder plugin available today and we all owe a special thanks to the Elementor team for providing this much of value for free.
This one act of Elementor team to not hold too many modules hostage in its paid version is commendable. There are a lot of people out there who are just starting out with building their websites. All of them will greatly benefit from the free version of Elementor.
Now let’s talk about paid versions of Beaver Builder and Elementor.
Actually, there isn’t much to choose here between Beaver Builder and Elementor. All features of both these plugins and use on unlimited sites is available only in the $199 version of these plugins.
The renewal cost of Beaver Builder license is 60% and of Elementor is 50%, so in the long run Elementor will turn out to be the cheaper option of the two.
A Special Note On Elementor
As much as I love Beaver Builder, I am still in awe of what Elementor has managed to achieve in a short span.
Just take a look at how rapidly the popularity of Elementor is rising in Google Search Trends. The red line is for Elementor.

There is no denying that the Elementor juggernaut is rolling ahead at top speed.
Another interesting trend is Elementor’s popularity across the world. Again, the red color is for Elementor.

As you can see, Elementor seems to be far more popular than Beaver Builder across the globe.
And if you take a closer look, you will realize that Beaver Builder is only popular in English speaking countries while Elementor is growing in popularity across various countries speaking different languages.
Does this matter?
I don’t know but I was pleasantly surprised to see that the popularity of Elementor seems to be widespread and not as confined as the popularity of Beaver Builder.
But even with this widespread popularity, Elementor might not be a good choice for you since the Pro version of Elementor is not open source. This means that you do not have access to the source code of Elementor Pro.
If the team behind Elementor goes out of business, then you are out of luck. You cannot keep using Elementor because you will not be able to maintain Elementor Pro plugin on your own. And neither can any developer help you because even they will not have access to Elementor Pro’s source code.
If this bothers you, then Beaver Builder is the correct choice for you.
But whether Elementor Pro is open source or not and whether it remains stable and bug-free after 5 years or 10 years down the line is irrelevant when you look at the potential that Elementor has on offer today.
I think, Elementor has the potential to be one of the finest plugin ever developed in WordPress history that can touch lives of millions of WordPress users 5-10 years from now. And if Elementor team manages to keep Elementor stable in the long run than this potential can be easily realised.
Sadly, I cannot say the same thing about Beaver Builder.
Does Beaver Builder has the potential to touch millions of lives? I don’t think so.
Do I foresee wide spread adoption of Beaver Builder? No, I don’t.
Do you think otherwise? Let me know in the comments below.
A Special Note On Beaver Builder
As much as Elementor is developing at a rapid pace, there are two areas in which I have found Elementor lacking.
Those two areas are Stability and Security.
Every time Elementor releases an update, you have to wait for some time to make sure that other people are not reporting any major issues.
This is in stark contrast with Beaver Builder where you can upgrade to the next version without the fear of breaking your website.
But more than the stability, it is the security aspect that bothers me about Elementor.
Elementor has let security vulnerability creep in.
Beaver Builder on the other hand has never let this happen.
This is why I trust and use Beaver Builder more than Elementor even if it has fewer features as compared to Elementor.
Go take a look at Beaver Builder…
And finally…
Beaver Builder vs Elementor – How to Decide Which One to Buy?
Haven’t you decided already?
If no, then…
Depending on what you want to do with these plugins, here is how I would suggest you look at these two plugins:
- If you want to build websites for clients and you are not so keen on providing all the latest features to your clients, then go with Beaver Builder.
- If you want to build websites for clients and want to White Label your entire offering, then go with Beaver Builder. Elementor does not offer White Labelling.
- If you want to build websites for clients and want to host their websites yourselves by charging your clients a monthly fee, then go with Beaver Builder. Elementor does not allow you to host your clients’ websites by yourself and use Elementor on them. Read this Support Ticket to know more about this.
- If you want to build websites for your clients, then go with Beaver Builder because stability and security are more important and also because Elementor Pro is not open source.
- If you are building websites for yourself or your friends and don’t care about jazzing up your website with various web design elements, then go with Beaver Builder.
- If you want a particular web design effect on your website, then check out Elementor first. Elementor is more likely to have a feature to help you than Beaver Builder.
- If you want all the bells and whistles in your page builder plugin, then choose Elementor. Beaver Builder is unlikely to have too many features.
- If you are not comfortable using a rapidly evolving plugin, then choose Beaver Builder.
- If you are looking for a free page builder plugin, then go for Elementor. It beats the crap out of Beaver Builder plugin and probably is the best free page builder plugin ever made in WordPress space. Go try it out.
- If you are looking to get the paid versions of one of these plugins for your own website and want to invest in just one plugin that will give you tons of options to design the various parts of your website then again go for Elementor. The paid version of Elementor beats the crap out of paid version of Beaver Builder plugin too.
- If you are looking to get the paid version of one of these plugins for your own website but you are open to buy additional add-on plugins, then buy Beaver Builder. Beaver Builder add-ons, UABB and PowerPack will give you pre-made Page Templates, Sections and extra Modules that will help you to build any kind of pages. You can check out the various things that UABB and PowerPack have to offer on their respective websites. This combination of Beaver Builder + UABB or PowerPack knocks the ball out of the park. Elementor’s paid version also comes with a lot of page templates but I have never found them to be more attractive than what UABB and PowerPack offer.
- If you want total control over designing every part of your site, then go with Beaver Builder. It has this great add-on called Beaver Themer using which you can pretty much place anything anywhere. You can also do some really complex conditional logic to display something on a few pages but not the other or display something to some users only, etc. If you use Beaver Themer, then you pretty much do not have to rely on your theme at all. Elementor Pro has also added almost all of the features of Beaver Themer in Elementor Pro plugin but since Elementor Pro is not open source, you are always at risk if you do heavy customizations using Elementor Pro.
- If you want a stable and secure plugin then simply go with Beaver Builder. Elementor has had security issues in the past and the pace at which it is adding features, there is always a risk of this happening again.
What Am I Using?
I am using Beaver Builder right now. Frankly, I haven’t yet found anything that I wanted to do and Beaver Builder has not been able to do it for me. Check out my Beaver Builder review after using it for many years now…
And the fact that Elementor Pro is not open source matters to me. Check out my Elmentor review…
I also prefer a stable, secure, and slow evolving plugin. So I have chosen Beaver Builder for now.
But I do keep a close watch on Elementor. I have decided to wait and watch at least for some more time to see if Elementor does remain stable, secure, and reliable over the coming year or two and if Elementor Pro is made open source. Until then, Beaver Builder is the plugin for me.
Your case might be different though, and that is why this entire blog post has revolved around you and your needs.
I hope you have got a good idea of the pros and cons of Beaver Builder vs Elementor and this blog post has helped you to choose one of these.
Even if it has not, ask your questions in the comments below and maybe I will be able to help you.
Thanks for the insightful comparison. I think I’ll go with Elementor.
You are welcome. I am glad that this article helped you in making a decision.
Great article. I’m a BB user for over 2 years now, and never really had any issues, very happy with the setup. I also have BB Themer, PowerPack + Astra Agency Owner which includes UABB, Astra Theme, etc..
I had a look at Elementor awhile ago, and I just didn’t had a reason to switch. In fact due to lack of any 3rd party addons like UABB, Elementor felt very basic to me.
But recently with the release and future plans for Elementor 2.0, + UAElementor, it made me think if perhaps I should give it another go? Is it worth it? Would it be good, stable for clients websites?
I know this article was written awhile ago. Any thoughts on this after the release of Elementor 2.0. ?!
The article is updated for Elementor 2.0. However, Elementor 2.0 was recently released. I would give it at least 6 months to One year to stabilize before using it on client websites. The rapid development pace of Elementor always scares me. I hope the developers are able to keep it stable in the long run. And also the fact that Elementor Pro is not open source bothers me. I personally wouldn’t use it on lot of client websites.
You sir nailed it .
Elementor has one major setbacks though, they dont have or no intention to provide option for “white labels” BB agency has this .
Just look at the source code amount of time “elementor” is added there.
I am going with BB for this main reason.
Yes, those are very good points. BB Agency does allow for White Labelling and if that is something you want then Beaver Builder is the way to go. “elementor” in source code might not be that big a issue on the front end of the site but I know what you are talking about. Even I don’t like plugins plastering their brand all over the source code.
Hello, can I use both together? Using beaver theme.
You could use both but that could result in conflicts since both these plugins do the same things. Since you are using Beaver Theme, I would recommend sticking with Beaver Builder and get UABB Addon if required. With Beaver Builder + UABB, you will not need Elementor.
Ok, thank you for the advice
You are welcome.
Great article!
I am a newbie just starting to create WP sites.
Ultimately – what do you think is the best combo… BB theme + BB themer + BB page builder / Astra theme + BB page builder / or another?
I would recommend Astra Theme Pro version + BB page builder if you are okay to deal with two different development teams. If not, then go with BB Theme + BB Themer + BB page builder.
Thank you for your advice…
So Astra Theme Pro version has all the functionality / features of BB Theme + BB Themer?
You are welcome Andy. Regarding this question, Astra Pro version has more features than Beaver Builder Theme but only some features of BB Themer. BB Themer does a lot more than any theme can do. For example, BB Themer can help you to create a custom blog layout or a custom Single Blog Post layout. Astra theme or any other theme for that matter, does not have such features.
Out of interest – if [BB Page Builder + BB Theme + BB Themer] combo has more functionality / features – why would you recommend [Astra Pro + BB Page Builder]?
Great question. [BB Theme + BB Page Builder] has less features as compared to [Astra Theme + BB Page Builder]. And that is why I usually recommend Astra Theme + BB Page Builder combination. Note that BB Themer can be used with both, BB Theme as well as Astra Theme. So the only choice that you have got to make at the start is between BB Theme and Astra Theme.
BB Themer on the other hand has a lot of features. But not everyone needs all those features. Only in some specific cases you might need to use BB Themer. For example, if you want to create a custom blog layout, custom single post page, custom WooCommerce Product page, etc. If you don’t want to do all such advanced customizations then you don’t need BB Themer. You can just use Astra Pro to make decent amount of customizations to these pages. That is why you will need to first figure out if there is anything that you want to do which cannot be done with just [BB Theme + BB Page Builder] or [Astra Theme + BB Page Builder] combination. If there is really something that you want to do and these combinations do not allow you to do it, then you can look at getting BB Themer.
Great – thank you for the advice – I really appreciate it 🙂
Heading over to the websites now to purchase BB Pager Builder + Astra Pro!
Cool! You are welcome 🙂
I’ve read a lot on various Page Builder themes and Page Builders over the past week, and this blog makes some fair points. I’ve decided to go with Astra Free + Elementor Free for my personal site customization. It should offer the most long-term flexibility for a non-coder.. and I have the option to upgrade both for additional features, but doesn’t seem to rely on it. Additionally, Astra is popular for multiple builders (Elementor, Beaver Builder, Thrive Architect).. and each of these 3 builders mentioned leave your HTML code intact when disabled. So If Elementor Pro quit being supported (based on growth and the company’s standing, shouldn’t be anytime soon).. you simply disable and install the latest popular builder. Beaver Builder could quit support also, but it does seem like the popular builderfor regular developers (of client websites).
I am glad that you found the combination that works for you 🙂
Hi buddy,
Would like to know whether BB builder is compatible with the Newspaper Theme.
I am sorry Brian. I have never used Newspaper theme, so I don’t know. You might want to check that with the theme developers. Most of the WordPress themes now-a-days tend to support popular page builder plugins.
Thanks for this Abhijit.
Whats your take on the Divi Builder?
I have Astra Agency and am thinking of using Astra with the Divi builder.
You are welcome Zunaid. I wouldn’t recommend it over Beaver Builder and Elementor. I know enough people who have migrated from Divi to either Beaver Builder or Elementor and found them to be better than Divi.
Thanks for the feedback.
I know the one issue people have with Divi is that it leaves shortcodes behind if you do move off it. There is a shortcode cleaner plugin that resolves this though.
But besides this, is there anything specific they find better ?
There are many reasons other than shortcodes alone. If you ask this same question in Beaver Builder or Elementor FB groups, you will get a lot of answers with the top one being less number of bugs in Beaver Builder and Elementor. I don’t want to demean the effort Divi team puts into developing it. I am sure they work very hard to improve Divi. But with other quality page builder plugins like Beaver Builder and Elementor available today, I don’t see any reason not to give them a try instead.
You are correct.
Not trying to offend Divi but, there are several reasons why I decided to move away from Divi, one of them being that every time I wanted to add or style any element or design, I had to research for a custom solution because it was not possible out of the box.
That way, Beaver Builder and Elementor are 100 times better.
Including me 🙂
Great article. After using Elementor pro for the last couple of months, I miss the stability of Beaver builder as I have experienced a number of plugin conflicts with 2.0 and 2.1. I find the interface of Elementor a bit cluttered. My clients don’t need all those elements as well. Just the basics will do.
Yes, very true. Beaver Builder is very stable and I too find it easy to use Beaver Builder than Elementor. Stability is one of the things that has kept me loyal to Beaver Builder so far.
I came researching here for an honest comparison between Beaver Themer & Elementor Pro.
I purchased Elementor Pro a few days back but in the end, I realised that it was not worth the investment.
I am seriously considering moving over to Beaver Themer & Beaver Builder or at least a good theme that allows me to customise the templates without having to write any piece of code along with Beaver Builder.
If you hover to this page, you will get an idea
Now on one end, they say that people can design a website without having to write a single line of code, on the other hand, they themselves are asking me to write a code to accomplish something. On top of that, they closed the feature request without even considering it and without any further discussions. Too bad, I never expected such kind of attitude from such a company.
Plus, I am not really very happy with their support. I mean other people who have experienced their support will be able to tell better.
Should be thanking Abhijit for the detailed comparison and point out all the flaws in Elementor, especially that I cannot use it on my client’s website which I was never aware of.
With that said, everything comes with its own pros and cons but it’s only a matter of experience. Either follow someones (Abhijit’s) advice or experience it for yourself after burning your hands.
It’s disheartening to hear your experience with Elementor Support. They should have definitely handled your query with more professionalism. Unfortunately, this tendency to ask people to write code has been rampant in WordPress eco-system. Developers of many themes and plugins just do not realize that writing and maintaining a piece of code is a big task for normal people like you and me.
I have a query regarding, which one lock the user for forever. Means if I exit from any of page builder or theme builder, will it ruin my existing pages and especially blog posts? I want to use it to make a template to use every time when I post a new blog post. Please reply ASAP.
Hi Vipin, none of these plugins will lock your content in it. However, do remember that once you uninstall the plugin, your template layouts will no longer be available. So you will need to rebuild the templates using some other plugin or theme.
Can u guide on which addon is good to go with? UAAB or Power pack? currently i use elementor and looking to switch to beaver as elementor is becoming more bloated and whitelabel; option is not available.
That’s a tough question to answer because I personally know the founders of both these addons 🙂
Both of these plugins are great as well as the people behind it. So let me try and give you some criteria to choose one of these plugins.
I would recommend going with UABB if you see yourself also trying out the Astra theme ecosystem that this same team has built. It is a really great ecosystem that helps to build a fully functional website in a matter of minutes. You can read more about this on Astra theme’s website. Specifically look at Astra Pro plugin, the Starter Sites, and other plugins that come bundled in some of their plans.
And if you don’t ever see yourself getting into Astra theme ecosystem, then PowerPack is just as good as UABB. I would in fact rate it a bit higher than UABB too. I find the settings of PowerPack more intuitive than UABB.
beaver builder and elementor are, in my opinion, the worst 2 page builders available for WordPress
I guess you are saying that from code perspective since page builders do tend to add a bit more code than usual. But the value that these page builders provide by saving cost, time, and effort in creating a custom designed website far outweighs any drawbacks of the extra code. Plus, these plugins have excellent support and community around them which makes it very easy to get help if needed. So I don’t think these page builders are all that bad.
Hey Great Article. I did Buy BB two years back reading your article. Now in 2020 I am once again thinking about choosing between the two. I am not a developer and have 4-5 websites running for self. One needs proper attention and rest are dynamic Sites. I am using BB pro on all five.
I am thinking about more features in elementor and would love your present review on the same. I see BB as only columns but the forms and other features are very good. Haven’t tried them. Would love your opinion present date. Using WP Astra Free. Also wondering for a simple website should I go with Astra Pro and leave the other page builders completely.
My views are still the same. Beaver Builder still has a better page building experience in my opinion. It is also stable and secure. Elementor just introduced a security vulnerability last week. But if you want more design features, then a combination of Beaver Builder + Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder should get you that. And if you also add Beaver Themer to the mix, then you get most of the things that Elementor offers. However, this combination will cost you more. If you are on a budget and still need all design features, then Elementor is the only option. You might end up compromising on stability and security for more features though.
Thank you so much – by far the most helpful article on the subject!