How To Embed Youtube Video In Beaver Builder? (One Simple Way)

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I create quite a few videos in a month. And I also use Beaver Builder a lot. So, many times I have to need to embed videos using Beaver Builder.

Given below are the steps to embed a Youtube video in Beaver Builder:

  1. Edit the page with Beaver Builder on which you want to embed the Youtube video.
  2. Drag-and-drop the Video module on the page from the right-side Beaver Builder panel.
  3. Select Embed in the Video Type field.
  4. Paste the Youtube video URL in the code editor field. The video should now appear on the page.
  5. Click the Save button to embed the video.
  6. Publish the page.

Let’s take a detailed look at each of these steps now.

How To Embed Youtube Video In Beaver Builder Using Video Module?

First, edit the page with Beaver Builder on which you want to embed the Youtube video.

Once Beaver Builder is active on the page, drag-and-drop the Video module on the page.

Beaver Builder Video module

Now, select “Embed” in the Video Type field on the Video module settings popup, and then paste the URL of the Youtube video in the code editor field.

Embed Youtube video using Beaver Builder

You can get the URL of the Youtube video by clicking the Share icon below the video on Youtube and selecting the Embed option. You can also just paste in the full URL of the video by opening it in a browser window. For example, this is the URL I got by clicking the Share icon below the video on Youtube –, which is what I used in the screenshot above. Instead of this, I could have also used the full URL of the video on Youtube, which is this one –

Once you paste the URL of the video in the code editor field, the video will show up on the page.

Click the Save button to save the Video module settings.

Then, publish the page to make your changes live.

And that’s it!

This is how you embed a Youtube video using Beaver Builder.

So, what next?

Related Further Reading:

How To Add Structured Data To The Embedded Video In Beaver Builder?

Once you have embedded a video using Beaver Builder, you can also add structured data to it.

To add structured data to the embedded Youtube video using Beaver Builder, click on the Structured Data tab in the Video module settings. And then select Yes in the “Enable Structured Data?” field.

Video structured data in Beaver Builder

You will now see various fields like Video Name, Video Description, etc. to set the structured data for the video.

Don’t forget to publish your changes once you have set up the structured data.

Alright! Now…

Interesting Further Reading:

Final Thoughts!

Embedding a Youtube video is straightforward with Beaver Builder.

You can also play around with the other settings on the Video module to style your video.

Finally, if you liked this tutorial, then do share it with your friends. I would really appreciate it.

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